well, in real life, it gets even worse.
i just had a stressful man-to-machine fight on the phone, it's for setting up my voicemail.
i got a text message saying that i shall call this number cos i had a new voice message.
then only god knows what i got myself into...
bonjour, __________________, tapez 1 pour_______, tapez 2 pour_________.
that's exactly what the message sounded like.
okay, 1.
___________, _____.
oh! what the heck?
___________, _____.
okay, calm down, think about how it should sound like in english.
she'll just ask you to do something and press #.
so i pressed #.
si vous etes satisfie, tapez 1. si vous voulez _____, tapez 2, _________________.
bingo! i knew it was asking me to press #!
then i went back and recorded my greetings to ask people leave me a message so that i could call back.
now come to think about it, i might have just talked too fast while leaving that message.
meaning: i might've just given people the wrong idea of being super fluent in french.
oh, we shall see.
what's the worst? i shall just keep asking the machine to repeat until i got the phone number.
anyway, after finishing that, it went on to tell me that i have this secret code that i need to note down.
wtf? seriously, a secret code for what?
it was just like those 8000 phone numbers you'd heard on the cd while doing listening comprehension exercises before.
and you know the speed they tell you those super annoying numbers.
i didn't even catch the first 2 digits.
so i had to repeat the message, this time i got them, and correctly (youpi~).
how do i know it's correct?
well, after i hung up, i got a text which had my secret code written in it.
it then went on by telling me some other information i might not even need to know...
so after a stressful 5 minutes, i just hung up on it.
it was very stressful, and it's only just the beginning.
bring it on, i say.
bring it on!