Thursday 7 October 2010

poker face

i was told not to smile at the kids during the first 3 classes to make the impression of being a strict teacher.
well, i didn't smile.
i was constantly bursting into laughters while i was observing.
gosh, these kids do the most random thing on the planet in classes!

so, there's a box of tissue paper sitting on the cabinet right in the front of the classroom.
there were always kids walking around, getting tissues for god knows what reasons.
maybe they just felt the urge of getting up and stretching, very OSH-conscious, bravo!

in one of the french classes, the teacher made them to organise their worksheets.
they were supposed to put their sheets in those transparent plastic pockets and just clip them together in a ring binder.
you think it's easy?
well, not for these 6 year olds!
it took them 45 minutes to get organised and the results weren't pretty.
they simply did NOT get it.
while the teacher was busy helping out, this one girl got really bored and started eating her glue stick.
a guy was ignored 3 times by the teacher and then after a couple of minutes, he just started crying.

in the other class that i sat in, while the teacher was teaching science and explaining about the experiment that they just did.
one little guy was totally spacing out picking his nose.
and the best part was - he was really enjoying it.

i haven't been with little kids since forever, so i don't know what else could happen.
all these seemed so hilarious and entertaining in a weird way.
but it gets better.
so i was observing in one of their music classes this afternoon.
they were all sitting on the floor with no shoes on.
while other kids were busy listening to the teacher.
this girl was doing something really really really random.

it wasn't amusing to see, but she was so serious about cleaning her foot up.
it's like someone who's washing his fancy new car, those type of attitude.
she actually licked and then examined the results and licked again.
and then rubbed her foot again with saliva.
i think she might have a cat as a pet at home, but rubbing your foot doesn't seem like what a cat will do...
so it's now quite mysterious.

i've been left with kids alone for 3 classes today already.
if i had to teach at elementary school for the rest of my life.
i'm going back to be a researcher immediately.
yes, they're so cute.
but no, sorry i can't handle little people who never shut up.

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