Friday 10 December 2010


mr panda has already come to all the classes and is rather popular.
more so than i am, i'd say.
cos everyone thinks that he's cute.
my cp kids even asked if they could kiss him.
and after i granted them permission, they lined up to kiss him.
so adorable.

mr panda introduced himself by stating his name, his age and where he's from.
i asked my kids to interact with mr panda.
"good afternoon."
"gut after-nouille."
"what's your name?"
"what's your name?" (omg, not again! we're back to square one?)
before i corrected him, he went on "my name is mathias."
"tres bien, mais, c'est bon de dire 'my name is mathias'. on a pas besoin de repeter la question. " (very good, but just saying 'my name is mathias' is enough, no need to repeat the question.)
"how old are you?"
"i am fine."
euh, i think this kid would do rather well being a politician.

"non, how old are you, ca veut dire t'as quel age." (no, that means how old are you?)
"ah, je sais, j'ai 7 ans."
"en anglais!"
"c'est quoi deja?" (what's that already?)
"i am sept ans!"
"euh, ca, c'est franglais!" (um, this is franglais!)
"okay, kids, do we still remember our numbers? one, two... d'accord, tu veux le refaire?" (do you want to do it again?)
"j'ai seven!"
"i am seven!"
"i am seven."

"now, where are you from?"
"i am france?" and he said france in french.
"c'est bien ca, la france est un pays, t'es ton pays?" (this is good, france is a country, you're your country?)
"i am FROM france."
"i am flom flance."
"i am fRom fRance."
"i am fRom fLance."
"france." (in french)

oh i give up.

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