Friday 5 November 2010

le genou, c'est pas un animal.

during my french class with my ce1's, they were doing story book reading.
it was about pat, the elephant and there was some other beast named max, if i remember correctly.

then there was this word, gnou, which, luckily during lunch break yesterday, i encountered in an encyclopedia of animals at my school library.
don't get me started about why i was reading an encyclopedia of animals (with illustrates, bien sur).

anyways, kids took turns to read for everyone in the class, it was the naughty boy who always gets himself in trouble who stopped reading at this very word.
gn... gn... genou.
"c'est gnou, sylver, le genou, c'est pas un animal1."
catherine, the teacher kept a poker face while telling him off.
i know it's mean to laugh out loud, but it was such a hilarious comment she gave without even being funny.
i just couldn't help myself.
gosh, that totally made my day.

1. it's gnou, sylver, le genou (meaning: knee), that's not an animal. (click on words to hear the pronunciation)

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